“Shakespeare – For Today, For Tomorrow, Forever” acting workshops for students

From technical trickery to universal truths – we take scenes in the original English from the great poet dramatist and pull apart the detail of his verse, finding the path to his emotional heart and human understanding.

Why have his plays stayed alive for 500 years? What do we find in them today? Are they really still funny? Perform, play, discover and create with some of the greatest words ever written.

Workshop will take place on 5.10.2019 between 10 am – 5 pm at “Biała Hall” of National Theatre Academy in Warsaw.

Fluent English is required.

You can sign up for it by sending a message at: festival@at.edu.pl till 1.10.2019 or until the limit of places is reached.

Workshop delivered by Jonathan Kemp, Head of Acting at Drama Studio London