The Teacher

How strongly can an authority influence the shaping of the identity of an adolescent? Sixteen-year-old Felek feels like his parents give him no support and so he becomes close with his teacher, mister Kazimierz. The older man takes great interest in the boy. He praises his progress and his passion for drawing architecture sketches, bolstering his confidence and making him feel like he can spread his wings. Unfortunately, flying can sometimes lead to crashing into a rock… The script was based on the short story by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz and actors’ improvisations.

The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw

direction and script:
Ewa Galica

Katarzyna Jeznach

Dominika Gryz
Andrzej Michalski

Krzysztof Godlewski
Andrzej Michalski
Ignacy Panfil
Adam Stępnicki
Mateusz Trojanowski